Penis Needs Help Too…

Upon hearing the term ‘prostitution,’ unfortunately, it is always women who pop up into many minds. Shockingly, male and transgender prostitution is completely ignored, although in many countries men and transgenders comprise a substantial percentage of prostitutes. Even though male prostitution is out there in almost every region, city, province, and around the world, it is neither known nor discussed well enough. It seems important to raise awareness about the existence of these men. It should be noted that although the economic motives are central for both male and female sex workers, some men are motivated by the potential for sexual adventure that prostitution may offer. The main reason behind this unpopularity is because the history of male sex workers is gap-toothed and disjointed, like an aging boxer. Unlike female prostitutes, men could offer their bodies to women, even though they were meant for the enjoyment and pleasure of other individuals of the same sex. Ancient Ma...